Redirecting to our NEW SHOP at WWW.SHOP.ROCKSHOP.CZ

David & Eva Kalat - based in Prague - online since 1999
We are member #2082 of International Meteorite Collector´s Association IMCA - Authenticity guaranteed

12th May 2023 - Our store has moved !!!
New URL is:


We did not move customer´s accounts,our former customers need to register in new shop again.

First part of specimens was already migrated and is available for sale in new shop,how ever we still work and we will be adding more specimens step by step.



Moldavites informations & facts

Moldavites informations & facts

Looking for fine good quality hand selected Moldavite specimens ?
You came to right place ! Welcome !

Afraid of fake ? Buy direct from Czech Republic - buy from us ! is member of International Meteorite Collectors Association (I.M.C.A.)

Check all our MOLDAVITE specimens for sale

What is Moldavite ? ..common question...

Brief history and main informations about Moldavites:

Moldavite (Czech: Vltavín) is an olive-green or dull greenish vitreous substance possibly formed by a meteorite impact. It is one kind of tektite. It was named by Armand Dufrénoy for the town of Moldauthein (Czech: Týn nad Vltavou) in Bohemia (the Czech Republic), where it occurs. It is sometimes cut and polished as an ornamental stone under the name of pseudo-chrysolite.
Moldavite's bottle-green glass colour led to its being commonly called Bouteillen-stein, and at one time it was regarded as an artificial product, but this view is opposed to the fact that no remains of glassworks are found in the neighbourhood of its occurrence; moreover, pieces of the substance are widely distributed in Middle to Upper Miocene and younger fluvial clays and gravelly sands in Bohemia and Moravia.(sourceWikipedia)
There are many theories about origin of Moldavites,one of the most popular is from Prof.Bouška,that Moldavites were formed about 14.7 million years ago during the impact of a large meteorite, or comet nuclei, with the Earth’s surface.He explained that an enormous body with a volume of several cubic kilometers is racing towards the Earth. The uppermost layers of the Earth’s surface are melted by the highly compressed hot air cushion in front of the flying meteorite prior to its contact with the surface of the Earth. At the moment of impact, there is a tremendous explosion comparable with a multiple hydrogen bomb, the atmosphere is torn apart, and tektites are formed in the vacuum bubble. The fusion process and the throwing out of the tektite glass material occurs in a very short time period prior to the actual impact of the meteorite or comet core. The modeling of the formation of large impact craters has shown that the column of hot ascending atmosphere can carry the tektite melt into the upper parts of the atmosphere or even above the atmosphere.” A search was made, worldwide, for meteorite craters in the vicinity of tektite strewnfields. There is strong evidence to support this explanation of the origin of tektites due to the known age of tektites found in certain areas, and the relative proximity of the tektite strewnfields to large meteorite craters of the same age. A number of researchers have suggested that the surface material in the area around the Ries Crater, in Germany, is probably the source material for Moldavites -- the age of the crater is identical with the age of Moldavites.

Please pay atention if you purchase Moldavites for example on ebay or from especialy some chinese dealers,they are often selling "fakes" !!!

We guarantee that all specimens we have for sale are genuine Moldavites.Our IMCA (International Meteorite Collectors Association) registered number is #2082.

We offer first grade material,many of our Moldavites can be also very well used for jewelry,for dealers and jewelers we can offer reasonable discounts,please ask or register as dealer.

Warning !!! Due to low new finds and high demand on the market moldavite prices are rising quickly.Buy your moldavite today,who knows what future will bring....
All actualy available moldavites for sale are listed HERE

Looking for moldavite jewelry? We have sterling silver jewelry for sale in other shop.Shipping may be combined together from all our shops,just ask,please.Visit our jewelry shop here. If you look just for raw specimens,usualy we have arround 100 hand selected specimens for sale in range 5$ to 500$,upon request we can offer also giant museum pieces,please ask.

Our jewelry specials:
Moldavite pendants - Moldavite earings - Moldavite bracelets - Meteorite pendants


5-10 grams
suitable for jewelry or great starting pieces for reasonable prices
10-20 grams
for advanced collectors,healers
above 20 grams
Premium grade and good investment specimens
Very popular super shape specimens
Unique shapes !


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Interested in jewelry ?
You are welcome to visit our second store !

Pendant/ - Moldavite and other semiprecious stone jewelry
Moldavites,meteorites and other stone jewelry for sale
Visit our jewellery shop !
